Have Your Fruitcake and Eat It Too: Staying Healthy During the Holidays

Have Your Fruitcake and Eat It Too: Staying Healthy During the Holidays

Have Your Fruitcake and Eat It Too: Staying Healthy During the Holidays 2560 2444 Kimberly

We all know that overindulging during the holidays is quite easy to do. But, with a few small changes, you can help make sure that doesn’t happen and spend your holidays guilt-free. And you’ll likely feel better too! 

Try to stand more throughout the day. We often find ourselves sitting around quite a bit during the holidays, but standing around while chatting can actually make a big difference. Standing instead of sitting can more than double the calories you burn in just one hour!

Drink more water and watch your alcohol intake. Substitute a glass of water in between a festive beverage to make sure you’re staying hydrated and taking in fewer calories for the day. Drinking too much while getting caught up with friends and family is an easy thing to do. 

Control your portion sizes. Instead of having a heaping scoop of that sweet potato casserole or macaroni and cheese, have a smaller portion to start. You can always go back to get more of something you loved later. But, you are more inclined to clean your plate as a guest in someone’s home or when eating foods someone else has prepared.

Encourage a post-dinner walk. Try to get those around you to head out for a brisk walk after eating a big holiday meal. Burning off a few of those calories after dinner and increasing your circulation can boost energy and remind you to think twice before having another dessert!

Making better choices throughout the holidays will send you on a path to small changes that will make a big impact. Paying attention to portion sizes, alcohol intake, and how much you’re moving are the first steps to making healthier choices. These little things will go a long way in maximizing your health and continuing healthy habits into the New Year.