Remembering to Be Grateful This Holiday Season

Remembering to Be Grateful This Holiday Season

Remembering to Be Grateful This Holiday Season 2521 2560 Kimberly

During the busy holiday season, we’re supposed to be happy, relaxed, grateful and thankful. But that is hard to do when we’re often so overwhelmed with the endless to-do’s.  Shopping lists, food preparation and holiday planning take the front seat. Instead, we should be taking time to sit back, reflect and enjoy the holidays. Here’s a different to-do list that will gently remind you to soak in the joys and positive things around you. 

  • Try taking ten minutes to yourself to just sit and be with your thoughts. Find a quiet place with a cup of tea or coffee in a cozy part of your home. Set a timer for ten minutes and challenge yourself to sit and let your mind wander about the day. Try to avoid thinking about your to-do list! It will still be there at the end of the ten minutes.


  • Take a walk and notice your surroundings. Breathe in the air, look at the changing leaves, and listen to the sounds. Just a 20 – 30 minute brisk walk can clear your head and reset your mind. Allowing you to tackle all of the holiday chores waiting for you. 


  • Volunteer somewhere locally for seniors in need or a food bank or shelter. Just a few hours of perspective can remind us of the important things in life, like food, water and shelter.


  • Finally, our favorite one, we mentioned in a recent social post. Keeping a daily gratitude list is an amazing way to remind us to focus on the small things that we should be grateful for, giving us perspective and hope. The list can include anything, big or small, that brings you peace, joy or comfort. It could be things like the sunny weather, sleeping in, a warm cup of tea, a person in your life, something positive that happened, a song you heard, your health, or even a rainy day that allowed you to stay in, decompress and watch a movie. If you get into the habit of doing this each morning, it can really boost your spirits and remind you of the positive things in life.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed this holiday season just stop, take a deep breath and remember the important things. Everything else will fall into place.