Why You Should Consider a Simple Cremation over a Traditional Burial

Why You Should Consider a Simple Cremation over a Traditional Burial

Why You Should Consider a Simple Cremation over a Traditional Burial 540 359 Kimberly

Deciding whether to have a traditional funeral and burial versus a simple cremation can be a very personal decision. Without understanding the options available, people often choose the  more familiar burial option without considering the benefits of cremation. To help you make an informed decision, here’s a list of pros and cons for both options to consider.

Benefits of Cremation:

  • Lower Total Cost. Cremation is a fraction of the cost of a traditional burial with fewer additional expenses. Cost to you or your loved ones is often a primary consideration when choosing the best option. According to a recent BankRate.com article, here are a few potential areas where you’ll save between $8,000 and $24,000 by choosing a direct cremation service over a traditional funeral and burial:
    • $2,000 to $10,000: No casket, or guilt in choosing the cheapest casket option.
    • $1,000 to $5,000: No burial, cemetery or mausoleum costs
    • $500 to $1,000: No cost of a hearse for transportation to the cemetery
    • $2,000 to $4,000: No headstone and grave marker
    • $2,500 to $4,000: No funeral home costs for a traditional service
  • Simpler. There are fewer decisions to make with a cremation. No need to decide which casket or headstone is best, no need to pick out what clothing or jewelry will be buried with you or your loved one, or which items will be removed and passed along to the family.

Potential Drawbacks of Cremation:

  • Hard Decision for Family. If cremation isn’t what you’ve announced and pre-planned as your wishes, some friends or family members may not agree with it and have trouble accepting this as an option.
  • What to Do With Remains. It can be hard to decide where to spread or what to do with the ashes if you have not communicated your wishes with your loved ones.

Potential Benefits of Traditional Burial:

  • A Place to Visit. A physical place where friends and family can come to visit, though this could be a challenge for loved ones living far away.
  • Familiarity. For prior generations, a traditional burial has been the more familiar choice and some feel more comfortable with what they have experienced.

Potential Drawbacks of a Traditional Burial:

  • Expensive. As highlighted above, there are many more expenses that come with a traditional burial.
  • Emotionally Draining for Family. For many, a traditional burial can be more emotionally exhausting.
  • More Decisions. Which casket and headstone will you choose? What clothes and jewelry do you want to be buried in? Do you want to be in a mausoleum? These decisions can weigh heavily on loved ones.
  • Only One Place for Family to Visit. Loved ones who are far away won’t have the option to visit the cemetery often. With a cremation, several people can have part of you close to them at any time.
  • Restrictions in Cemeteries. Some cemeteries have certain hours you can visit, specific monuments or flowers you can use or other restrictions that may limit what you’re able to do.

Making the decision on whether cremation or traditional burial is a deeply personal decision for you and your family. By choosing a simple cremation ahead of time, you will offer your family peace of mind knowing they are carrying out the choice you were most comfortable with. We can walk you through this simple process so you have peace of mind that your wishes are fulfilled and your family is well cared for. At Best Cremation Service, there is always someone standing by to talk you through the options and answer any questions you might have. You can give us a call at 513-991-1369 or email us at support@bestcremationservice.com. Or, use our online quoting service to make your arrangements from the comfort of your home. It’s that simple!